Synthetic Telepathy
Silent communication from one individual to another via computers that read and transmit thoughts.
Fifth Horizon
Scientists at the University of California, Irvine are researching synthetic telepathy, on a grant from the Army.
UC Irvine describes the project:
"The project involves basic research needed to make possible a brain-computer interface for decoding thought and communicating it to an intended target. Applications are to situations in which it is either impossible or inappropriate to communicate using visual means or by audible speech; the long-term aim is to provide a significant advance in Army communication capabilities in such situations. Non-invasive brain-imaging technologies like electroencephalography (EEG) offer a potential way for dispersed team members to communicate their thoughts. A Soldier thinks a message to be transmitted. A system for automatic imagined speech recognition decodes EEG recordings of brain activity during the thought message. A second system infers simultaneously the intended target of the communication from EEG signals. Message and target information are then combined to communicate the message as intended."
Potential applications of synthetic telepathy range from military (silent communication between soldiers), to medical (communication from patients with ALS or Lou Gehrig's Disease), to video games, to recreational communication.
Brain areas involved in speech processing
(after Hickok and Poeppel, 2004). A ventral
processing stream (the what pathway) maps
sound and meaning. Activity in the superior
temporal sulcus and the posterior inferior
temporal lobe (pITL) interfaces sound-based
speech representations in the superior
temporal gyrus and widely-distributed
conceptual representations. A dorsal
processing stream (the where, how or do
pathway) involves activity in cortex at the
junction of parietal and temporal lobes in the
sylvian fissure (Spt), which projects to frontal
cortical areas that generate articulatory codes:
posterior inferior frontal and dorsal premotor
sites (pIF/dPM).
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