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Predictions: Smart Cars

Page history last edited by adam.neville@asu.edu 14 years, 7 months ago

Recently, Ed Lazowska of www.xconomy.com, reviewed seven of the largest technological advances of the past decade and made seven predictions about the new decade.


Smart Cars:


"You’re seeing the beginnings of this. Adaptive cruise control that monitors the distance to the vehicle in front of you. Stay-in-lane systems. Collision alerts. Self-parking. There will be much more. Even more broadly, transportation will be revolutionized. Smart routing of on-demand neighborhood transit to get you to major transit arterials. Smart routing of transit vehicles and personal autos around congestion – not just the congestion that exists right now, but the congestion that will exist 20 minutes from now. Improved vehicle sharing—Zipcar on steroids. (The average car is utilized only 5 percent of the time. Doubling that should be easy. Think of the improved amortization of the financial and environmental costs of manufacturing the damned things!)" http://www.xconomy.com/seattle/2009/12/24/exponentials-r-us-seven-computer-science-game-changers-from-the-2000%e2%80%99s-and-seven-more-to-come/2/  



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