
Predictions: The Data Deluge

Page history last edited by adam.neville@asu.edu 15 years ago

Recently, Ed Lazowska of http://www.xconomy.com/, reviewed seven of the largest technological advances of the past decade and made seven predictions about the new decade. 


The Data Deluge:


"The rapid emergence of inexpensive high-bandwidth sensors is transforming every field from data-poor to data-rich. The challenge is to develop automated tools – based on approaches such as data mining and machine learning – to extract knowledge from this mass of data. Whether you are a scientist, an eCommerce site, or a sports team, your future competitiveness depends upon this capability. “eScience” is the buzzword." http://www.xconomy.com/seattle/2009/12/24/exponentials-r-us-seven-computer-science-game-changers-from-the-2000%e2%80%99s-and-seven-more-to-come/3/



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