
Predictions: Virtual and Augmented Reality

Page history last edited by adam.neville@asu.edu 15 years ago

Recently, Ed Lazowska of http://www.xconomy.com/, reviewed seven of the largest technological advances of the past decade and made seven predictions about the new decade.


Virtual and Augmented Reality:


"It’s been just so much yap for the past decade, but it’s going to become real in the next. For example, think about Google Street View or Microsoft Photosynth, but with all the world’s photographs from a few billion smartphones. New breakthroughs in computer vision are making this possible."  http://www.xconomy.com/seattle/2009/12/24/exponentials-r-us-seven-computer-science-game-changers-from-the-2000%e2%80%99s-and-seven-more-to-come/3/



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